For History, we learned about Rome and how it began, and had an introduction to Augustus Ceasar.
For Science, we are learning about the human body, and this week's focus was on cells.
For a visual on cells, our Science book had us put lemon gelatin in a baggie and let it harden to represent the cytoplasm, then add a green grape for the nucleus. I didn't have any grapes on hand, so I improvised and used a cherry instead.
On another day, we also did a quick experiment to show how small particles are able to push through a cell membrane, but larger particles cannot. We used a mixture of dried beans and salt. Then, sifted them through a collander.
Of course, the salt sifted through the collander, and the beans remained. It was another hands-on visual to help the kids remember what they have learned.
This week (today, actually), we also began going through a weekly lesson on responsibilities. The book I am using is Lessons in Responsibility for Boys (Level 1) from the Pearables. Many of the lessons are good for both boys AND girls, so I will be reading it to both of our children whenever appropriate. The same goes for Home Economics for Homeschoolers, also by the Pearables. While originally intended for young ladies, the book can be used to help teach boys how to function in a kitchen as well.
In today's "Home Ec" Class, Road Runner learned how to make buttered toast...
And, Coyote learned how to scramble eggs...
Both kids have an allergy to eggs, so guess who had a nice lunch of scrambled eggs and toast? ME! Then, the kids also made their own lunches while I ate mine.
Over all, we had a good week and are looking forward to learning more new things next week! So, stay tuned...