WELCOME! I used this blog to share our family's homeschooling thoughts and experiences. Our oldest child, EL, finished her formal education in May 2017, and we graduated our son, JJ, from High School in May 2021. I will leave this blog up for anyone who wishes to read our curriculum reviews or see what types of field trips and/or activities we participated in.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

What We Used for LANGUAGE ARTS in High School

For JJ's Language Arts in High School, we used a variety of curricula. Here is what worked best for us. 

  • Easy Grammar Plus for instruction in Grammar and Punctuation. 
  • Sequential Spelling for, well... Spelling, of course. 
  • Igniting Your Writing by Sandi Larsen for writing instruction. 
We did Grammar and Spelling Monday-Thursday, then focused on a writing lesson on Fridays. The schedule worked out well for us because it wasn't too overwhelming for my reluctant writer. The lessons in Igniting Your Writing are short, easy to follow, and easy to comprehend. They take you step by step through an assignment, and what I love is that it has 3 different difficulty levels to choose from for each lesson. You can choose to do the easiest level for a reluctant or new writer, or you can choose intermediate, or advanced. You can choose to do one, two, or all three assignments, depending on your interests and needs. It is geared for those who do not care about writing, and helps make things simple to do and more fun for them.

  • Queen Homeschool Language Lessons for the Secondary Child - Vol. 2
  • K12 Reader - Free printable Spelling curriculum for High School
  • Freewriting on Fridays using the ideas from Bravewriter - Set the timer for 5-10 minutes, give a topic, and have him write non-stop until the timer dings. Even if they write, "I don't know what to write" ten times, let them do it. At least they are writing and, eventually, they will figure out something else to write. 
  • Plus, for U.S. History, he was required to write a research paper, so we used "How to Write a Great Research Paper" by Book Builders as a guide.   
I purchased Igniting Your Writing II, and intended to use it, but it wasn't the best fit for us at that time. Volume I was great for us, but volume 2 we weren't ready for. 

  • Instead of using Igniting Your Writing II, I found something we liked better for Writing Instruction - Jump In from Apologia. 
  • 100 Words Every High School Graduate Should Know - A small book we used for Vocabulary

  • Movies As Literature - This is a complete, one-year high school English course that uses classic movies on video to introduce and study the elements of literary analysis. Student discussion and composition questions are provided for each of the 17 lessons.

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