WELCOME! I used this blog to share our family's homeschooling thoughts and experiences. Our oldest child, EL, finished her formal education in May 2017, and we graduated our son, JJ, from High School in May 2021. I will leave this blog up for anyone who wishes to read our curriculum reviews or see what types of field trips and/or activities we participated in.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

SUMMER PROJECT: Cleaning the Vehicles

The insides AND outsides of both of our vehicles have been needing a GOOD cleaning for quite awhile! In the van, there were piles of garbage and other junk on the floor of the back seat where the kids just threw wrappers because we didn't have a garbage can. The rest of the vehicle wasn't much better. So, my husband took on this big job this Summer of cleaning up the vehicles.

The van looks SO good now! Hopefully, we'll be able to keep it that way, at least for awhile.

One thing I added was an empty ice cream bucket lined with a plastic grocery sack. This will be kept under the seat and used as a temporary garbage can for all those wrappers that tend to find their way onto the floor. (The bucket can also be used for unexpected tummy aches, if you know what I mean.)

After the insides were cleaned out, my husband got our 9-year-old son involved with cleaning the outsides. Coyote had fun helping Daddy with this.

Coyote and Daddy washing the car
It was a big job, and much needed, and I'm very grateful to my boys for accomplishing this task.


  1. The cars look great!! Ray's car had a bunch of slushie stains in it and he used grease lightning and it took them right out!! Great idea about the ice cream bucket!! I'm going to try that. Plus, it gives me an excuse to eat a bucket of ice cream!! LOL!

    1. I'll keep the grease lightening in mind. Thanks! Now, go eat some ice cream! lol.


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