WELCOME! I used this blog to share our family's homeschooling thoughts and experiences. Our oldest child, EL, finished her formal education in May 2017, and we graduated our son, JJ, from High School in May 2021. I will leave this blog up for anyone who wishes to read our curriculum reviews or see what types of field trips and/or activities we participated in.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

SCIENCE: Warm Air Currents & Sound Vibrations

Here are two easy experiments that we have tried recently...

#1 - WARM AIR CURRENTS - This experiment shows how warm air currents rise and circulate in the air. Cut a piece of cardstock or heavy paper into a triangle shape a little larger than the mouth of a coffee cup. Attach it to the cup with clay. Tape a straight pin to the tip of the triangle. Cut a strip of paper and fold it into an L shape to make a propeller. Pour very warm water into the cup. Gently place the propeller on top of the pin. Watch how the warm air currents make the propeller spin... 

#2 - SOUND VIBRATIONS - Cover the top of a bowl very tightly with plastic wrap. Place several pieces of uncooked rice on top. Place the bowl near a speaker. Turn on some favorite music and watch the rice dance. Start out at low volume and gradually increase to see how the volume affects the movement...